Our Hubs
Our Markets
Our Markets
This is the center hub which pivots and revolve around the depths analysis and relationship of business industry’s fundamental characteristics; the macro and microeconomic forces that drive industry and interrelationships between the individuals industries in the economy. It is considered the fuel engine for all movers and plays the role of researching and developing business markets industries trends and directions, through Reporting markets trends, Analyzing industry directions, developing marketing thought and implementing market collaborations, to mainly backup and feed our portfolio of services, solutions, products, tools with market insights driven by trends, market drivers powered by research, market accelerators led by development and market enablers managed by collaborations.
Market Insights Driven by Trends
Envisioning our business industries that our movers hubs serve with future market insights driven by trends is how we support all our divisions to function by providing market industry trends that assists all our portfolio insights service in understanding the challenges and opportunities of the industry that our customers work on.
Our industry trends report offers a comprehensive timely and easy to digest information in the majority of business industries we serve. Each industry report include these sections ; about the industry, Industry outlook, Major companies, Industry at glance, Products and Markets, Operating Conditions, Industry performance, Competitive Landscape and Key statistics. The reports analyse trends rather than merely summing up figures that can be meaningless without context and discuss the industry’s current and future state. The industry reports allows our insights services in all our movers divisions to get intelligent quick overview of an industry so that they can spend less time researching and more time focusing on making strategic business decisions.
Market Drivers Powered by Research
Defining our business industries that our movers hubs serve with future market drivers powered by research is how we support all our divisions to function by providing market industry research that assists all our portfolio drivers services in analyzing the external and internal business environment within the industry that our customers work on.
Our industry research studies analyzes everything from the buying power of customers affecting price and quality to supplier power which analyses how much a power a supplier has over the potential to raise its prices to the likelihood or unlikely hood of a threat of new entrants into the industry or the threat of the substitutes which analyzes how easy it is for buyers to switch to a product offering a similar benefit from a similar industry. In addition our research assess demand performance and risk for any market, identifying new markets review competition from all angles and sides, validate ideas across markets of any size or scope and create content to position ourselves as a market leaders so whether it is a new market we are exploring or we are exploring ways to stay ahead for the markets that works for us today.
Market Accelerators led by Development
Inventing our business industries that our movers hubs serve with future market accelerators led by development is how we support all our divisions to function by providing marketing thought framework that assists all our portfolio accelerators services in building transformation ventures that our customers need to shift to the digital age.
Our industry marketing framework offers 6 main marketing disciplines thoughts that would shape the marketing landscape of the business which are considered the most important forces that boost the performance of the business and manage customer engagement and leverage customer advocacy that includes the following; Customer Marketing Data & Analytics, Customer Marketing value and design, Customer Marketing Personalizations and management, Customer Marketing conversations and communications, Customer Marketing Journey and channels and Customer Marketing Experience and Service these forces define the marketing role and its contemporary style of leadership that assist marketers to portrait the marketing requirements related to the industry.
Markets Enablers managed by Collaboration
Connecting our business industries that our movers hubs serve with future market enablers managed by collaboration is how we support all our divisions to function by providing market ecosystem collaboration that assists all our portfolio enablers services in executing strategic collaborations that our customers would value to lead their business impact journey.
Our industry market partnership club aims at forging mutually beneficial relationships between our internal movers portfolio services divisions and our external members who might be (a company,individual) innovators, integrators, investors and thought leaders who are dedicated to fulfill their expertise by building market ecosystem collaboration that offers short/long term business joint ventures that are generally characterized by shared ownership , shared returns and risks, and shared governance. We typically seek pursue these joint ventures for one of four reasons: share markets, intellectual property, assets, knowledge, and, of course, profits.