Market Capability
Where Marketing Discipline Serves Customer Expectation to create Market Capability
This is the first mover which pivots and revolves about human understanding where it goes into depth analysis of customers needs and dynamics that assist business organizations to portrait and design their needed capabilities and capacities to meet and fulfill their customers. It is considered the marketing performance center and plays the role of discovering Customer’s personas and designing their expectations through very advanced working methodology that goes in line with customer expectation journey (customer vision - customer expectation - marketing organization - Marketing Capability ) provided by our end to end portfolio development approach that aims at Interpreting customer insights, researching customer drivers, developing performance accelerators and ends with implementing capability enablers offered by our experts who help you build the needed infrastructure and capability that serve and accommodate the capacity required to deliver customer expectations through; customer trends and dynamics knowledge event , customer expectation research and analysis, organization design Transformation Venture and excellent capability leadership centers.

How Customer Insights Shape the Next Agenda
Insight your Customer Future by Interpreting customer macro and micro trends that help you understand what current and future forces shape their future expectations.
CUSTOMER TALKS conference is an online event that aims at spreading the word about today's business customer’s trends and shed light on customer’s changing behaviors, dynamics and expectations raising at constant pace where we broadly address these marketing challenges and opportunities underlying these hidden expectation by which we take the chance to disseminate new and up to date provoking topics about customer thoughts, ideas and trends for businesses across industries.

customer VISION & Insights
Embark on your customer vision & insights by understanding how technology, economic trends and market dynamics change customer's thinking and form their future expectations that are perceived as new paradigm shift in today’s business landscape.
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future Customer Blog
Researching Customer Triggers that Shape their Future Voice
Researching Customer expectations & Drivers by analyzing customer needs and behaviors that drives their expectations and helps you articulate what type, level and size of capability you require to meet and fulfill these expectations.
Futuristic Customer is a research & advisory service that goes beyond customer need discovery and customer expectation design through analyzing customers expectations in terms of knowing their personas and stereotypes and understanding their raw needs and behaviors that form their expectations within a market area in specific business industry to enable marketing decision makers know and understand their customer specific needs and drivers and act accordingly

Customer EXPECTATIONs & Drivers
Embrace your customer expectations drivers with sound research and deep analysis of their personas and behaviors that allow you to portrait and orchestrate the future landscape of your marketing capability.
Applying Our
customer Expectation
unleash the power to
Designing Customer Driven Agile Marketing Organizations
Accelerate marketing performance by developing smart structure that substantially can boost operational efficiency and leverage high performance and gives you edge over your competitors.
MARKIT is a Transformation Venture that unleash the power to transcend by building agile Marketing organization and operations system that contribute to reduce costs, drive growth, and strengthen both short-term performance and long-term organizational health.
We go beyond lines and boxes to define decision rights, accountabilities, internal governance, and linkages. Our design solutions help you manage complexity and business scale to ensure sustained performance.
Specifically, we work closely through these 6 stages :
1st MARK
Dealing with complexity
We assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current organization and design a robust new structure. In the current-state assessment, we use diagnostic tools that highlight areas where the organization presents challenges, which might lie in its structure, linkages, or culture, and help define criteria to guide the design process. In the design itself, our design tests help clients make choices on critical questions such as the optimal business-unit structure; the role of the corporate center and shared services; and capabilities needed for pivotal roles.
2nd MARK
Link Organization To Strategy and Realize Value
We make sure the design focuses management attention on the strategic priorities and critical operations of each business unit, region, or product—be it international expansion, cost-cutting, or growth through acquisitions. Once the design is finalized, our unique implementation approach helps our you quickly realize the economic value determined by the redesiGN .
3rd MARK
Focus Head Offices on Value Creation
Many CEOs are concerned about waste and redundant hierarchy, particularly in head offices. Our approach identifies an explicit, value-adding "mandate" for the corporate center—for example, co-ordinating key functions or driving specific strategic initiatives.
4th MARK
Drive Accountability
By careful design of performance-management processes, we make sure all units have clear performance measures. We use accountability tools and decision-making frameworks that help identify accountabilities for cross-unit processes.
5th MARK
Enable Enterprise-Wide Collaboration
Achieving large-scale collaboration across the entire enterprise—on customer solutions, product development, innovation, and the like—can unlock tremendous value. Using Social Network Analysis tool, we go beyond organization charts to reveal and tap into the informal communities through which the organization shares information and knowledge. We help you understand the value collaboration can bring and the mechanisms to enable it.
6th MARK
Dealing with complexity
Effective organization design must remove complexity that creates unnecessary cost and organizational friction, and channel what’s left to employees who are equipped to handle it. Using complexity survey, we pinpoint issues such as a lack of role clarity or poor processes that could hinder productivity.
AI Customer
CUSTOMER marketing organization accelerators
EMBED your marketing organization accelerators with unparalleled performance and operation system that can fully fulfill your customer’s expectations and offer seamless customer experience.
Acquiring Our
AI Customer Marketing organization

Building Marketing Capability that Fuels Growth
Supporting marketing capability by implementing excellent marketing capability centers that enable you to feed and gear up your marketing agile organizational structure that offers you a competitive advantage
Putting yourself in your customer’s shoes is a real saying from which magic and inventions comes into real life practices where understanding of Customer’s personas and needs are considerably very basic activity but rather considered the most important one in which huge range of capabilities are based to deliver those expectations.
Customer house is solutions centers that helps you build a wide range of marketing capabilities organizations, structures, systems, products and services, technologies, talents, brands ..etc, and enable you to connect them with your customers future expectations fulfillment by building an excellent competency that offers a competitive advantage
Our Customer house's provides Innovative Market Capability Solutions Leadership Centers that leverage and boost your marketing capability through
Agile Organizations Smart Structures Enablement
Envisioning and anticipating how the organization might look today and in the anticipated future and orchestrating the marketing organizational design that fulfills customer expectations and respond to the challenges and opportunities marketing face within the business and industry is what is needed to contribute to build the desired capability.
Product & Service Innovation Enablement
We bring the innovation practice success not only to its functional improvement to products but to bring joy to customers who are the drivers of innovation that enable businesses to craft successful products and services that will drive not only sales but exceed customer expectations that in turn drives loyalty and advocacy.
Marketing and Technology Enablement
As marketing teams continues their mad dash to acquire technology, data and new capabilities, having a workable, well thought-out roadmap in place is an essential part of a winning strategy. However we define and design a Marketing Technology Roadmap to ensure you derive true value from your ongoing marketing technology investments and implementations.
Efficient and Effective Operations Enablement
The scope of marketing operations is quite broad and includes activities that can be broadly categorized as collateral creation and maintenance, demand generation, and performance measurement.Although many components of Marketing Operations can be done manually, proper processes with the right technology is the enabler that allows for scalable operations.
Talent and Culture Enablement
Attracting, involving and inspiring talented people in marketing is very daunting especially for those who stand behind the customer experience are key to helping marketing and brands deliver greater value and impact along with inspiring culture that unleash the power and passion to give more and challenge the status quo for building and embedding excellent capability that provide competitive edge.
Brand Development & Management Enablement
A strong, valuable and enduring brands are considered increasingly as a very important equity to businesses owners but on the other hand building a sound brand is a competitive advantage and marketing capability as well that can have an edge over your competitors especially when it is built and managed by marketers who deliver a seamless customer experience that leads to advocacy.

market capability enablers
EMBODY your market capability enablers with state of the art competences to build excellent capabilities that bring you a competitive advantage over your competitors.
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Market Capability platform