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3rd MOVER 

 Unwrapping The Power of Business Value through Marketing Practices to form the Market Strategy 

This is the third  mover which pivots and revolves  about the idea of  human giving where it dives deeply into the value propositions given to customers and how it significantly plays a crucial role in building the business organization's long term relationship with its customers. It is considered the marketing management  hub for growth and plays the role of strategizing, managing, planning and executing  marketing programs that are related to offering valuable propositions to customers through a very advanced working methodology that goes  in line with the marketing  value  journey ( marketing  vision     - marketing strategy - marketing  management     - Marketing practices ) provided  by our end to end portfolio  development approach that aims at    Interpreting  insights, researching drivers, developing accelerators and   implementing enablers offered  by our experts who helps you set  the right marketing strategies that create and  deliver brilliant customer value propositions through;   marketing driven  business trends and dynamics knowledge event  , marketing driven business strategy  consultancy, marketing management Transformation Venture and innovative marketing practices  centers.

Market Strategy



Create - Innovate - Celebrate





Insight your business  value   by Interpreting Market and business   trends that give you awareness  and knowledge  that helps understand what kind of information, strategies, programs , techniques and practices  ...etc  would be needed and applied in the future.


Our Business  Innovation Week -create - innovate - celebrate event is  online  conference and exhibition which is conceptualized as a 6-day event  that works in partnership with interested parties and professionals in the business industry where it is designed to highlight and showcase the marketing programs of  new entrepreneurs who have a value propositions to deliver to their customers where the event is a split into two main sections the first one is the agenda it address and  discuss the latest marketing practices that they should adopt while the other part is applying those practices in real life projects that are related to exhibitors areas of business specialty.






business vision &  Insights 




Embark on your business vision & insights  by Interpreting Market and business   trends that give you  awareness  and knowledge  that helps you understand what takes to build the right business value for your customers. 








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future business Blog   




Research that Identify  Customer Driven Strategies and Bring Future Growth 

Drive your business value by researching customer driven  growth strategy drivers  that studies and analyzes your market and business environment and helps you set your business strategy to deliver innovative value proposition  to your customers.


Growing your business isn’t easy whatever your strategy might be it has to  start with using deep customer insight to drive segmentation, targeting, positioning and offering development. This ensures that business strategy is grounded in marketplace realities to best meet customer needs and fuel your overall business   growth strategies


Futuristic Business  is a research and analysis service that use markets assessment and competitive analysis to provide critical input to business and brand strategy formulations we do this  fully through understanding and assessing  the market in which you compete by focusing on the three C’s - Customer, Competitor and Company - to uncover brand and business related growth opportunities.













Embrace your business strategy drivers with customer centric study and assessment of  market and business environment that  helps you set your marketing strategy to deliver innovative value proposition  to your customers.






  Applying Our 

business VALUE model  




harness the technology to 

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Developing Customer centric  Marketing Powered  Business  Management System


Accelerate your value by developing   dynamic marketing management system that accelerates customer growth    and boosts conversion rates and gives your customer a value proposition that leads to advocacy .


MAPIT is a transformation venture that  harness the technology to thrive by   developing  a customer-centric Marketing Powered Business  Management System that plans and execute all marketing goals, strategies, tactics, programs, projects  along with all customers interactions and touch points through the customer marketing cycle that comprises of 6 main functions that are interrelated and interconnected ;  customer data, customer value, customer personalization, customer conversations, customer journey and customer experience.


The 6 functions of  customer marketing cycle ;


1st MAP


Customer Data 

CD the first marketing function in which customer data is collected, managed and analyzed. CDM is considered the core of all marketing and sales decisions that is  geared toward resolving customer requirements and issues while enhancing customer retention and satisfaction allowing to convert customer data into customer intelligence. However, as marketers we probably deal with a huge amount of customer data that we need them to be presented in systematic format to facilitate decision making.  

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2nd MAP


Customer Value 

CV will help you accurately determine what drives value for customers, measure your performance relative to the competition, align efforts, focus scarce resources and create your sustainable competitive advantage. However, in order to manage the elements that drive value, a company needs to establish their customers’ perceptions of their performance and also the perceived performance of their competition.

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2nd MIND

3rd MAP

3rd MIND


Customer Personalization  

Delivering personalized content, offers and product recommendations to  customers demand tailored experiences across every brand touchpoint that has made personalization  become vital to success as customers take more control over their buying process they always like to engage with brand experiences that are relevant to their needs and that allow them to be  seen and respected.

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4th MAP


Customer Communications 

Today’s customer demand personalized, relevant communications that are available in real-time and accessible through the channel of their choice however unlocking the full potential of customer communications is very significant and challenging issue that contributes in more personalized conversations  that breakdown the hidden silos hindering transparency and trust thereby managing such communications programs serve as a robust foundation to execute marketing strategies that yield engagement and communicate customer value in a very seamless and expectation way.

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5th  MAP


Customer Journey 

The best way to map the customer journey is taking a walk in their shoes is very true expression that goes hand in hand with the rise of customer voice as  opportunity to satisfy and challenge to conquer, however customer journey mapping has become a vital component of any marketing program focused on enhancing customer centricity. Customer journey mapping enables companies to visualize the customer experience and deliver personalized marketing offers, communications, sales, support  ….etc

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6th MAP


Customer Experience  

Companies that take the time and invest in building exceptional experiences can set themselves from their competitors. However understanding that they are immersively  in the customer experience business and how companies deliver for it is a big challenge that can open up many doors of opportunities to companies who integrate all experiences the customer has with the business based on all interactions and thoughts they had in pre/post knowledge prior and after the experience.

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AI Customer 




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business value  accelerators â€‹





EMBED your business value  accelerators with integrated marketing management system functions  that boosts conversion rates and gives your customer a value proposition that leads to advocacy .






Acquiring Our 

AI customer  EXPERIENCE  



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Applying and Using  Modern and Real life Innovative Marketing Practices

Supporting your  business  value creation by Implementing the  innovative marketing practices solution centers that enable you to execute  your marketing strategies, programs and tactics and deliver your value proposition to your customers


Adopting and executing  innovative marketing practice is an imperative in today's business environment where competition is very fierce and customer behaviors are changing at a very rapid pace which   in turn require us to get connected to real life marketing strategies that contributes in boosting our performance and delivering added value to customers.


Businesshouse is a solutions centers that  help you harness the latest and up to date innovative marketing practices that is used and applied by most industry leaders that includes full spectrum  of innovative practices ranging from marketing, analysis, research, products designs and managing, communications, promotions, channels, sales, customer service and crm ...etc    enabling you practicing integrated marketing management activities which is represented today by the customer experience dynamics only then growth could be leveraged and advocacy and engagement can be sought by your customers.


Busineshouse enable you  implement strategies and deliver your marketing value  through Our 6 Marketing Practices Solutions Centers that  includes the following ; 



Marketing Analysis & Research Practice

As  the marketing research and analysis  is the process of assessing and understanding how customers perceive you and your products or services we provide you  with innovative state of the art analytics that apply modern processes that enable you capture insights from the knowledge that lead to growth and more effective marketing.


Product development and management practice

There is a constant and relentless challenge today for marketing to launch new products entirely to serve the market demand and aligns the product portfolio with  the business strategy objectives therefore applying the product portfolio management practice enables you to manage effectively all products and services offered.



Strategy Execution and Delivery

Bridging the gap between strategy design and delivery is constant challenge  for marketing as practices can change, business models are disrupted, technology evolves, but principles do not change. They are the soul of strategy design and delivery that reveals that  great performance practice requires great strategy along with great execution that often comes down to how marketing and creative teams work together in a very cohesive and synergic way.



Integrated Marketing Communications Practices

In today’s over saturated, and overwhelmed marketing environment, orchestrating  and integrating the right blend of communications is more difficult than ever as there are many channels to choose therefore ensuring  that all messaging and communications strategies are consistent across all channels and are centered on the customer and going for an approach that takes your communications from disparate functions to interconnected one is considered  a plus and a rewarding practice.



Distribution Channels and Sales Practices

Although the principles remain the same, bringing a product to market,   the practice of distributions has changed dramatically as digital technology has altered the concept on many levels it has made it easier for companies to use direct channels of distribution effectively like e commerce tools and online consumer purchases. Even when using indirect channels of distribution digital technology allows them to manage relationships with partners through the practice of affiliate partners and programs which  is seen as a very innovative practice tremendously used today.



Customer Service  Practices

It is obvious that customer service has experienced huge shift during the last two decades in coincidence  with the advent of technology that has allowed for increased opportunities to get in touch with customers. However the new practice in this context  is that companies are harnessing this trend and using technology to use seamless, tailored and simpler customer service solutions that have more autonomy and control and proactive over reactive.













EMBODY your marketing  practices enablers  with state of the art innovative leadership solutions centers  to  leverage customer advocacy and boost engagement.






Use Our 

market strategy platform 


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